“Another outstanding entry in a consistently excellent series.”
"Corby's latest is brisk, cheeky, and full of well researched historical tidbits."
Kirkus Reviews
Photo from reader Angie Brooksby
Kittling Books
Photo by @NobetciSosyolog.
On the sacred isle of Delos, the priestess Diotima, multitasker extraordinaire, must tamp down the turmoil created by brutish politico Pericles, solve a tricky murder, and then give birth.
Kirkus Reviews
Photo by Claire Bobrow
"Pericles had hailed me in the middle of the agora, which at this time of the morning was always crowded."
Photo from Susanne Lejeune

“There’s so much to admire here: Corby seamlessly works in Greek myths and history; the details of everyday life, like rituals, coins, and food, are part of the fabric of the mystery; and Nicolaos and Diotima’s witty, sexy relationship seems like a BCE version of Nick and Nora Charles. Another outstanding entry in a consistently excellent series.”
"The tale is full of humor, suspense-filled plots, subplots, and characters that are unforgettable."
Suspense Magazine
Photo by Shubhra Aurita Roy
“Details of culture, politics and history are so deftly woven into the threads of the story that life in ancient Athens comes vividly alive. ”
Historical Novel Review
Photo from reader M. Molitierno
"The room was filled with cats, a whole clowder of them."
Photo from Colin D. Smith
"It is illegal to die on the sacred isle of Delos. It is also illegal to give birth there."
Photo from Susanne Lejeune