Publishing: the brutal reality

This morning I woke to find that the following conversation had taken place while I slept.  I'm passing this on (with permission) to show you the tense dynamics of the publishing world.  What you're about to read is a for real, blow-by-blow dialogue between one of the greatest and most successful editors in publishing, and one the most renowned literary agents.  I have not changed a word.  

Keith the Editor:
Hi Gary:

     So production has released the original copy-edited ms. of The Pericles Commission back to us.  Traditionally, original manuscripts were returned to the author – for reasons both long and no longer nearly as germane in this digital world – but nowadays most authors prefer that we simply recycle them at our end.  However, if you want this back for posterity – or some authors include the ms. in the papers that they donate to an archive somewhere – just let Hannah know and she’ll send it on to you via slow boat to Australia winged steed.  Or something like it.

Janet the Shark:
Or you could send it by smelly donkey over to FPLM.  I have several you can borrow if you don't keep a stable anymore.
Keith the Editor:
Okey dokey.  Over to you.  As soon as we can find a spare llama to port it over to you on.  Or the postal service, for as long as it lasts.
Hannah the Editorial Assistant:
I've located a menagerie of animals to escort the MS back to you-- it will be on its way soon! 
So that's how publishing works!  Seriously, these guys are the ones who should be writing the funny books.